Recent events in the news have created an intense interest in crime prevention and safety for churches, temples, synagogues, mosques and all types of places of worship. Several Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) courses have been designed to combat this specific threat.
CPTED for Houses of Worship Class
The 2-day (24-hour) NICP CPTED for Houses of Worship class is available in-person and will be available online in the near future. The 3-day FCPTI CPTED for Houses of Worship class is available in-person in Florida.
In Florida
The Office of the Attorney General of Florida offers a CPTED Practitioner designation through their Florida Crime Prevention Training Institute. They have created a new 3-Day CPTED for Houses of Worship class for anyone that has already attended the Basic CPTED course or the week-long CPTED for Schools class. Check the Training Calendar for information and registration.
The 3-day (24-hour) course includes an on-site field assessment of a place of worship with a group presentation practical exercise.
Note: The 3-Day class has been presented internationally.
Houses of Worship CPTED Training Course (24 hour) with Field Assessment
Day 1 8:00am-5:00pm
- Dangers Faced by Houses of Worship Today
- Types of Facilities and Locations
- Effects on Crime Prevention Strategies
- Types of Crimes
- CPTED Concepts & Strategies for Houses of Worship
- Overview of Significant Events in the News Recently
- Social Management and the Role of Security Teams
- Emergency Operations Plans for Houses of Worship
- CPTED and Houses of Worship Group Blueprint Exercise
Day 2 8:00am-5:00pm
- CPTED Assessment Tools
- Conducting a CPTED Survey
- CPTED Field Assessments (field exercise)
- CPTED Field Assessments Group Preparations
Day 3 8:00am-5:00pm
- Test
- CPTED Field Assessments Group Preparations
- CPTED Field Assessments Group Presentations (practical exercise)
Florida Training Class Calendar
Outside of Florida

I am an instructor for the National Institute of Crime Prevention (NICP) and we recently added a Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) for Houses of Worship specialized topic course.
National Training Class Calendar
Houses of Worship CPTED Training Course (16 hour)
An introduction to CPTED principles is included for groups that have not taken a Basic CPTED course. This makes it perfect for civilians, religious organizations, law enforcement, and community groups that may not have prior crime prevention training.
For individuals that have previously taken Basic CPTED classes, this course is offered as an advanced topic. A comprehensive review of CPTED principles and concepts is included as a refresher.
This two-day course is currently available in person. Online version coming soon.
Houses of Worship CPTED Training Course (16 hour)
During this course we apply the principles of CPTED to different types of Houses of Worship (HoWs) to attempt to reduce and mitigate these threats. By examining different types of churches, mosques, temples, synagogues and other buildings, we will determine CPTED strategies and design recommendations that may be applicable to these facilities.
Dangers and Threats Faced by Houses of Worship Today
- A Historical Overview of Crime in Houses of Worship
Lessons Learned from Previous Incidents
- Overview of Recent Events in the News, Case Studies and Evaluating Environmental Design Factors in Previous Incidents
Terrorism and Active Shooter vs. Non-Violent Threats
- Resolving Design Conflicts and Striking the Right Balance
Conducting a Houses of Worship CPTED Review
- Applying CPTED Strategies to Blueprints
Evaluating Design for Different Types of Facilities
- Urban, Suburban, Rural, Megachurch, Mosque, Synagogue, Temple
Social Management for Houses of Worship
- Establishing Security Teams and Layering Security Strategies for Effective Crime Prevention
Conducting a House of Worship CPTED Survey
- Assessment Tools, Definitions, the Matrix and a Virtual CPTED Survey
Multiple Charrettes and Group Exercises
- Each day includes a practical exercise such as a House of Worship blueprint project

For more information, visit the NICP website.

NICP CPTED for Houses of Worship – Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Specialized Topic May 2023

NICP CPTED for Healthcare Facilities – Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Specialized Topic October 2023