Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), also known as Design Out Crime, is based on the fundamental idea that the proper design and management of the physical environment can deter crime in a specific area. It is based on CPTED principles:
Natural Surveillance
Natural surveillance is the placement of physical features, activities, and people in a way that maximizes visibility. It cannot be achieved through mechanical surveillance such as CCTV cameras. Criminal activity tends to be reduced when the perpetrators perceive a risk of being observed.
Natural Access Control
Natural access control describes controlling access to a site by physically guiding people through a space with the strategic design of hallways, sidewalks, building entrances, and landscaping. We use the specific terminology of “natural” access control to differentiate it from traditional mechanical access control or organized access control.
Territorial Reinforcement
Territorial reinforcement is the use of physical attributes that express ownership such as fencing, pavement treatments, signage, and landscaping. Clear definitions of boundaries separate public spaces from private spaces and establish a sense of ownership.
Maintenance refers to facility and social management that allows for the continued use of a space for its intended purpose. It serves as an additional expression of ownership and prevents reduction of visibility from landscaping overgrowth and obstructed or inoperative lighting. Property is maintained to eliminate the “broken window” factor in the environment.
I am one of the instructors for the National Institute of Crime Prevention, the premier training group for CPTED on a national and international basis. They offer basic and advanced courses leading to a CPTED Professional Designation (CPD) as well as specialized topics such as CPTED for schools. Their in-person training calendar is available on the NICP website, as well as the online courses. If you need to attend a class or set up on-site training for your group, contact Art or Joelle Hushen and tell them Jay sent you!
The Florida Crime Prevention Training Institute is a program of the Office of the Attorney General of Florida. In addition to traditional crime prevention courses, they offer in-person CPTED classes in Florida. Although I am not an employee, I am the CPTED instructor for FCPTI. For more information, see the FCPTI CPTED page.
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